Its funny what lack of sleep does to a person. There's this guy writing a ruby guide on freenode #ruby. I had earlier proofread the first chapters of this guys guide. Haha.
09:00 < krainbolt> What are some of the bad sides of Ruby? The problems, if you will?
10:53 < csmrfx> krainbolt absolutely none. While ruby is not perfect, its still the best.
10:56 < krainbolt> That has to be a joke.
10:56 < krainbolt> Please tell me you're joking.
10:56 < csmrfx> No.
10:56 < krainbolt> Oh jesus.
10:57 < krainbolt> That was a quick ignore.
10:57 < csmrfx> Keep religion out of this.
10:57 < csmrfx> krainbolt wasnt such a mellow guy after all...
10:58 < csmrfx> I even proof read his silly commie guide for him.
10:58 < csmrfx> Talk about rockstars...
10:58 < krainbolt> This is why I have a part in my guide about fanatics in the community. Absolutely none, jesus christ.
10:59 < csmrfx> krainbolt better also add that the guide was written by a person with no sense of irony
11:00 < csmrfx> Oh well, live'n'learn